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H! I am trying to compile this program in a Nucleo (the source code is build for the specific version of the Nucleo that I am using) using STM32CubeIDE but the result on the console is Program “make” not found in the path. 
I am trying to decimate a PDM signal in order to obtain a PCM signal. Is this code correct?void LowPassFilterWithDecimation(uint8_t *pdm1, uint8_t *pdm2, int32_t *pcm1, int32_t *pcm2, int pdm_buffer_size, int decimation_factor){ char str[100];   ...
Please help me. I am trying to configure pins for reading the data coming from 2 microphones mount in a X-NUCLEO-CCA02M2. To read the data I am using a NUCLEO-F401RE. I read all the documentation for tthe expansion but nothing is working. In this mom...
There is some way to read directly the byte that are send via SPI and not the int8 that is generate by the function?int8_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]   HAL_SPI_RECEIVE_DMA(...,(uint8_t*)buffer,...,...)​
Hi, I connect X-NUCLEO-CCA02M1 to my NUCLEO-F401RE. I am using SPI1 for the communication between devices. For what I have understood the function below convert N bit (for me N =  in a integer. Since i want to stream via UART those bit how can i pro...
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