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I need help. I am trying to validate on target : STM32L476RG nucleo board.E200(ValidationError): stm32: Unable to bind the STM AI runtime with "network" c-model: []  connection to "serial:COM4:115200"/"COM4:115200" run-time fails  E801(HwIOError): In...
I would like to use VL6180V1 in one of my project.I am interfacing it with STM8L MCU. For the sake of simplicity, I would like to copy the settings of the arduino library of VL6180X :
Hello. I would like to measure the level of water in a closed container.I have chosen VL6180V1 for the same since it has an 850 nm light source which won't be absorbed by water.I have referred this article for it:
Hello. I know that UART emulation is possible for stm32f4 series but is there any implementation for the same using stm32f0 ?Copying the same h and c source files into the project does not work as it has too many DMA dependencies and I observe the HA...
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