User Activity

Hi,I've encountered a strange problem.I have two High Priority tasks and the touchGFX task set to Normal Priority.Both High priority tasks are wakeup, check if a variable and go to sleep with osDelay(10).The tasks do not return from osDelay after a t...
Hi,I'd like to have a popup in my app, in which the user can press "Confirm" or "Cancel".I'm looking for a way to have my code written like this:popup_res = show_popup(); if(popup_res == true){ /* user clicked on 'confirm'. do something */ } else...
Hi,i'm a newbie to embedded programming.Sorry in advance If this comes out a little bit confusing, it is because I'm confused and not sure precisely what to ask for.I'm trying to flash the STM32F769I-DISCO through uart pins which connect to the board...
Hi,I'm using an STM32L496G board, currently flashing it through CubeMX/Touchgfx Designer.In the future, i'd like to be able to flashthe board by running a bash/python/other script from a linux machine. The board will be connected to the linux machine...
Hi,I'd like to know what is the difference between the icon of the button and the image of the button.What is the difference? they seem to do exactly the same thing...thank you