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Azure RTOS - Task does not resume after sleep

Associate III


I have tried this (How to create a Thread using AzureRTOS and STM32CubeIDE?) example with a Nucleo-F446RE board. Of course I have chosen the AZRTOS-F4 instead of the AZRTOS-H7 in the example. So line

HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);

is called once, and afterwards the the tx_therad_sleep(20) is called, but the Toggle function is never called again. If I pause the debugger, it is still in the part "__tx_ts_wait:" inside the tx_thread_schedule.S. Any idea, what I could to so that the example is working?

Thanks and best regards!

Associate III

Hello, tried the same on a H7 board (on the M7 core) and it worked without any problems. But I would like to have it running on the F4. Any ideas?

I have the same problem on the F4 board. :crying_face:

Associate III


I think I found the answer: in my project the Priority Group in "System Core"->"NVIC" was set to "0 bits", so I changed his to "4 bits". and afterwards set the "Preemption Priotity" for the "Time base: TIM6 global interrupt..." from "0" to "15".

Hope this helps you

Thank you so much, now it's working properly!8)

Associate III

Great to hear this! I had another H7 board here so I made a project for this board and it was running. Afterwards I compared each setting of both projects and found the difference. Hopefully that’s all