User Activity

Hi,I am using the lsm9ds1 with a selfmade circuit, but I could not get any data from the sensors. The I2C works fine. I can access the registers, read and write to them and get an acknowledge from it, but when I read the data registers, the values do...
Hey,I build my own STM32 board with the STM32L011G3 and started testing with a simple blinking program via SWD and ST-Link V2.  When I'm debugging it, everything works fine, but when I use the run command in SW4STM32 the LED lights up, but does not t...
Hi there,I'm trying to create a Dasi Chain setup with STM32 Nucleo boards using the HAL library.My master should send a command to 10 slaves. It would be best to use DMA for the master to avoid blocking the mpu. HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, command_a...
Hi there,I'm tring to use the lsm9ds1 with all three sensors. Because polling is too comutational expensive I want to use interrupts. But they only work for me in combination with polling.I have defind the pins PB5-7 for the interrupts on my Nucelo-F...