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Hi ST Team,I am using STM32U575 MCU. I want to create signed binary. I want to upload signed firmware in MCU and also update only new signed firmware via Native bootloader and want to restrict unknown firmware updates.How can I create signed firmware...
Hi,I am using MB1549C DK which has STM32U575ZIT6 MCU.I have enabled trust zone as well as dual bank.I have four hex file, Two files for bank1, secure and non-secure firmware. uploaded at 0xC000 0000Two files for bank2, secure and non-secure firmware....
Hi,I am using MB1549C devkit for STM32U5. I have enabled trust zone and created one application. Now I wanted to update firmware via native bootloader over UART. I have tried to connect it over UART2, I got read error over 0x0C00 0000 where secure fi...
I am using development board MB1519C. I was trying to disable trust zone in my board. For that I have followed below step in stm32cubeProgrammer.Open option byte and set RDP level to 1 and apply and power reset and then RDP 0 along with trust zone un...
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