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Hi,I want to use CBOR for my stm32F7. Is there any recomendation by ST for it or any opensource library that can be integrated?
Hi,I have a structure in code with name Config_t, i want to access the size of this struct in my post build command.How can i do that? The Config_t may get change next time so giving a constant size in the post build command is not an option. Thanks
I looked at both the datasheet and Oscillators design document for stm32 controllers. Both suggested the same speed for external Osciallaotrs for stm32F7 controllers that is 4-26 MHz.BUT, in the stm32cubeMx it gives you option to select external HSE ...
hi,i am facing problem with ADC, when nothing is connected on ADC pin it still shows count. i thought may be the pin is in float condition. i pulled it down but still its showing counts. cant find the problem. 
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