I am working on the stm32G0B1KBUX, i am using FDCAN on it. FDCAN is working fine and i can tranmsit and receive messages.The problem arises when i try to erase a page and try to write data in the flash. I have reserved last page for configurations. M...
Hi,I am using STM32G070RB for a modbus based product. The code is complete but i am facing issues that on some of the controller the code does not work and it gets stuck in the HAL_DELAY() function because the systick interrupt are not getting throug...
Hi,I have a structure in code with name Config_t, i want to access the size of this struct in my post build command.How can i do that? The Config_t may get change next time so giving a constant size in the post build command is not an option. Thanks
I looked at both the datasheet and Oscillators design document for stm32 controllers. Both suggested the same speed for external Osciallaotrs for stm32F7 controllers that is 4-26 MHz.BUT, in the stm32cubeMx it gives you option to select external HSE ...
Interrupt are enabled globally, i intentionally called __enable_irq() to check out this.Systick interrupt is higher priority, and HAL_Delay() is called before using any peripherals so no other interrupts are happening at that time. In test code i use...
So, stm32f7 will run using 50MHz HSE despite the fact that max input should be 26MHz? But the thing is in bypass mode it will only run at 50MHz and it will not go via PLL. Where is this information documented?
Hi Clive,i am facing a problem, i want to accept all messages to CAN except with the ID 0x17F00010 that uses a EXT ID. all my other messages are StdID. i am able to create filter that wastes the messages with IDs 0x10 but that also filters messages ...