Hello, Actually, the datasheet says: "5ms for 1 up to 16 bytes".As said in previous message it is explained in chapter "6.4.2 I2C sequential write" of the datasheet. If you want a more complete explanation, please read the AN5779 application note: ht...
Hello, After the STOP condition of an I2C write in EEPROM, there is a programming time of the EEPROM.The programming time is called tw in the datasheet and is given for 5ms per row of EEPROM memory. A row is 16Bytes long. If you write 256 Bytes, you ...
Hello, Yes, sorry for that!Here is the right URL:https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/an5633-migrating-from-st25dvxxk-to-st25dvxxkc-stmicroelectronics.pdfBest regards.
Hello, Actually, there are a few differences between the ST25DVxxK and the ST25DVxxKC.For instance, the GPO configuration byte is different between the K and the KC versions.Please check the application note AN5633 Migrating from ST25DVxxK to ST25DVx...