Hello, I'm not sure to understand what you are doing when receiving the interruption. Can you explain?The way you enable the interrupt in nfc_gpio_it_init() looks find to me.First thing to check is that you have a pulse on the GPO pin when you are do...
Hello, "There is no clear arbitrage between the 2, but the first is served." => well, this is actually clearly stated in the datasheet. Please see chapter 5.3 Interface arbitration. It says: "The device automatically arbitrates the exclusive usage of...
Hello, Please do not confuse Fast Transfer Mode and Fast commands.FTM is a mechanism that uses the internal RAM buffer of the ST25DV to transfer data between an NFC reader and an MCU. It is called "Fast" transfer because it is much faster than transf...
Hello, If the RF_WRITE interrupt is enabled, the ST25DV16K will generate a pulse on the GPO pin right after the end of frame of the RF response of a write command.So, after the Write Multiple Block command of 16Bytes, a pulse will be emitted on the G...
Hello, 5ms is the time taken to program one block of the EEPROM memory. When you write a memory block from RF, the programing is done between the RF request (command sent by the NFC reader) and the RF response (answer sent by the ST25DV16K). The ST25...