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I'm using two LRWAN NS1 with NUCLEO-L073RZ and I want to test PingPong with  SubGHz_Phy_PingPong project.​Project at Project-NUCLEO-L073RZ-Applications-SubGHz_Phy-SubGHz_Phy_PingPong-STM32CubeIDE-sx1276mb1mas is right project for the device?​Do I hav...
I'm using NUCLEO_L073RZ with LRWAN NS1 which included in P-NUCLEO LRWAN 3.​I tried to communicate two end devices with SubGhz_Phy project in STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.0.0, but it doesn't work.It seems to using SPI, but MOSI(PA7) and MISO(PA6) is co...