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LRWAN_V2.0.0 PingPong doesn't work.


I'm using NUCLEO_L073RZ with LRWAN NS1 which included in P-NUCLEO LRWAN 3.

I tried to communicate two end devices with SubGhz_Phy project in STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V2.0.0, but it doesn't work.

It seems to using SPI, but MOSI(PA7) and MISO(PA6) is connected with LIS3MDL and NSS(PB6) and CLK(PA5) is not connected to anywhere.

Am I using wrong project, or missed somthing?

Sorry for my English.


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @CKim.8​ and welcome to the Community 🙂

It seems there is an issue with I-CUBE-LRWAN and fixes will be integrated in the new package released version.

The root cause of the problem : the missing "sys_conf.h" header file in uart.c, in addition to there was a memory allocation problem.

Please have a look at this post for more details, which contains the fixes proposed by JCOUP in his last comments, and check if you have the same conditions as described.

Hope this helps you!

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ST Employee

Hello @CKim.8​ and welcome to the Community 🙂

It seems there is an issue with I-CUBE-LRWAN and fixes will be integrated in the new package released version.

The root cause of the problem : the missing "sys_conf.h" header file in uart.c, in addition to there was a memory allocation problem.

Please have a look at this post for more details, which contains the fixes proposed by JCOUP in his last comments, and check if you have the same conditions as described.

Hope this helps you!

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Are the LRWAN-NS1 boards available individually?  RisingHF RHF0M003-LF20

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