2021-07-28 10:05 PM
I'm using two LRWAN NS1 with NUCLEO-L073RZ and I want to test PingPong with SubGHz_Phy_PingPong project.
Project at Project-NUCLEO-L073RZ-Applications-SubGHz_Phy-SubGHz_Phy_PingPong-STM32CubeIDE-sx1276mb1mas is right project for the device?
Do I have to connect cable with SWCLK and SWDIO pin on RHF0M003 to download the project?
LoRaWan_End_Node project is right project for LRWAN NS1 if I want to communicate with gateway again after PingPong test?
2021-08-12 10:40 AM
Hello @CKim.8 ,
Have a look at this AN5406 How to build a LoRa® application with STM32CubeWL.
Hope this helps you!
Please mark my answer as best by clicking on the "Select as Best" button if it helped :)