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Hi,I was wondering if it is possible to send data from client to sever when reading characteristic?In order to save memory, I am trying to have only 1 profile with 3 characteristics (Read/Write/Notify). The idea is, when the client wants to read data...
Hi all,I hope someone will be able to help me out. I want to compile my STM32CubeIDE project. It works but when it is saving the workspace, it returned an error. See below: Saving workspace.Stm32cubeidec:Java was started but returned exit code=1any i...
Hi,I wonder if it is possible to add/update manually the toolchain ARM?Currently it is only 7-2018-q2 while there is the 8-2018-q4 available.I wanted to use the latest one.Any ideas?Thanks in advance,Kind regards,Anthony
Hello,I have tried to set up GCov in STM32Cube IDE using this tuto: am using a STM32F413 and when I compile I got an overflow on RAM section by 150Kbytes...
Hi,In my company we are currenlty looking at integrate the crypto lib.I have created a small STM32 IDE project to test the crypto lib provided by ST. I am using the Nucleo STM32413. The whole project compiles and I can succesfully call AccHw_AES_CFB_...
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