User Activity

Hello,can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?For example, I can't get app_mems.c (eCompass) to debug.The debugger does not stop when I set a breakpoint on subsequent function calls because, for whatever reason, the “SensorReadRequest” always has th...
Hello,I once compared your eCompass application (STM32F401RE/X-NUCEO-IKS01A3) with the compass on my smart phone.The compass on my smart phone behaves much better than the ECompass; it is not affected by rapid changes in the angle of inclination or b...
Hello,How can I transfer the configuration of an existing project to a new project?Unfortunately, the Project Manager does not allow a name change.
Hello everyone!I am contacting you because I have not succeeded in creating an executable eCompass software using ST32CubeMX despite several attempts.However, there are no problems with the ‘ISK01A3_DataLogTerminal’ application.Have any of you ever g...
volatile uint32_t udwIC1_Val1 = 0;volatile uint32_t udwIC2_Val1 = 0;volatile uint16_t uwDuty_Cycle = 0;void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){ if (htim->Channel == HAL_TIM_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_1) { udwIC1_Val1 = htim->Instance->CCR1; udwI...