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    Nothing generated by CubeMx: the BSP code has to be added to the project according to the board (ST or custom) in use.   ​Does this MCU need to manually transplant the BSP of SD card?Why did the F103 and f429 MCU have the corresponding BSP code f...
Excuse me, how to gracefully and effectively change the TX pin "inversion" of usart3 during the operation of MCU program?In addition, can I ask questions in Chinese? Every question needs the cooperation of translation software. I'm afraid there will ...
For version 6.2.0 of cubemx software, select stm32l562vetx chip, use FreeRTOS CMOS V2, and fill in the stack size for the new task. In the generated armmdk code, the unit is not "words", but "bytes". But if I change to f429ze chip, the generated code...
​I want to use uart4_tx and sdio at the same time.But, in cubemx(6.2.1),SDIO->Mode: SD 1 bitUART4->Mode: only Disable.​
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