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Hello,I just bought a STLINK-V3 because of its faster USB interface to speed up debugging with STM32CubeIDE. Unfortunately I cannot get it working. With some settings the target is not found with others there are errors during flash programming. Does...
STM32F746/AtollicI want to receive periodically a certain number of bytes from an ADC via SPI using DMA.Since there is no Tx line, I thought it would be correct to set the SPI at SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_RXONLY and to program a DMA for Rx. I called this ...
With an STM32F764 I want to receive 33 bytes from 11 daisy-chained 24 bit ADCs via SPI in read-only mode. The received data looks okay but there are 37 to 39 bytes in the buffer. Also with other byte numbers I receive 2 to 6 bytes more than expected....
Hi,with my recent download of CubeMX I have got emWin version 5.44. Are there newer versions for the STM32F7 family? I would be interested in version 5.48 or higher because of the changed MENU widget function.RegardsJan
Hello,I have an STM32F746 in an own PCB design. A 128 Mb DRAM IS42S32400F is connected to the FMC pins, similar as on the STM32F746G-DISCO board. I can write and read data but there are errors which occur in a systematic way:I start writing 16 bit da...
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