User Activity

Good day all, I was found project on github, and interest to learn about it, but that projec was made by MC SDK 5.y.0 but i see no more aviable that version only 5.4 and 6. When i open it by version 6 they say ioc is infalid. So what sould i do?? Any...
Good day sir, i want to ask about pwm duty cycle sir. I have a coustem board with input 220vac, after dioda rectifier become 310v, but my motor only aceptable 200v. So how to control duty cycle of the pwm on HIN and LIN input sir? So i want used only...
Good day all. I want to learn about mc worckbech. I want to coustem with mcu STM32f401 and a part of st driver are suport HIN and LIN for drive the mosfet. I want to use quadature encoder 2000ppr. It is posible create by mc worckbench?? And i want to...
Hi all. Is posible to change MCU and coustem Driver for MC Workbenc stm32?? I found the code with B-G431-ESC development kit/board and used step/dir interface for control the motor. But in my country very hard and expensive for that board( iwant supp...
hi, I want to make a steering wheel with STM 32, I have assembled (DIY) the steering wheel myself. I use DC motor and BTS 7960 for feedback (FFB). and encorder to determine the steering angle. as well as several potentiometers for the gas pedal, brak...