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I am developing a device which needs to continuously monitor noise (buffer / page to memory) and either Once or 8 Times per second analyse the acquired data to provide the following:FFT CPB (single or 1/3rd octave band analysis)Various over-all and ...
Pretty frustrating experience so far. I have seen many people asking but no-one has a straight answer. Very simple question, these are my steps:1- Started Cube32MX, selected NUCLEO and reset all no essential pins. See photo. 2- Clock configuration is...
Just working on some audio projects and purchased the CCA02M1. I can't find any documentation confirming that the H7 supports this expansion card. Nothing on Google so asking here. Second question. My NUCLEO-H743ZI cannot be connected to the CCA02M1 ...
I have managed to get ADC working in Interrupt mode and can read the three sensors values into a buffer called ADC3_VALUES[] on each of 3 callback events triggered by the ADC..../* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_HandleTypeDef* ...
Whereas selecting v1.3.0 downloads the full ~400Mb file. Anyone else having this problem ?