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Hi. I have STM32F769i-disco board and i want to execute DFSDM audiorecord example in my board.​I have some trouble when executing the DFSDM_audiorecord examples which exists in STM32F769i-eval Board. ​​But i compile it but it doesn't playback..​what ...
Hello. I want to know does stm32 cortex m7 series has TPU (tensor processing unit) for hardware acceleration. I heard that TPU has a systolic array which is a network of processors that are responsible for performing computations and passing the resu...
I use x-cube-ai 6.0 version & stm32h747i-disco board.By clicking on the [Advanced Settings] button, i use external flash memory for the weights and it works well.However, when [Use external RAM] button & copy weight to RAM , there's some problem and ...
Hello, I have a STM32F746G-DISCO which has a microcontroller with 1 Mbytes of Flash memory and 340 Kbytes of RAM. However, I would need more space for my bigger Keras models. I have seen examples of code in the new function pack FP-AI-VISION1 which ...
What I have checked through the user manual UM2526 and FP-AI-VISION1 examples is that I am using X-cube-ai version 6.0.0 for the 32bit floating point model (the model data type I am currently using), so I want to read data from external SDRAM in ord...
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