2021-03-30 12:00 AM
I use x-cube-ai 6.0 version & stm32h747i-disco board.
By clicking on the [Advanced Settings] button, i use external flash memory for the weights and it works well.
However, when [Use external RAM] button & copy weight to RAM , there's some problem and i didn't know why it doesn't work.
error descriptions are below
undefined reference to `HAL_SDRAM_Init' stm32h747i_discovery_sdram.c /hello_h7_sdram_CM7/Drivers/BSP/STM32H747I-DISCO line 229 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `IS42S32800J_Init' stm32h747i_discovery_sdram.c /hello_h7_sdram_CM7/Drivers/BSP/STM32H747I-DISCO line 150 C/C++ Problem
make: *** [makefile:70: hello_h7_sdram_CM7.elf] Error 1 hello_h7_sdram_CM7 C/C++ Problem
Drivers/BSP/STM32H747I-DISCO/stm32h747i_discovery_sdram.o: in function `MX_SDRAM_Init': hello_h7_sdram_CM7 C/C++ Problem
Drivers/BSP/STM32H747I-DISCO/stm32h747i_discovery_sdram.o: in function `BSP_SDRAM_Init': hello_h7_sdram_CM7 C/C++ Problem
I check the including libraries are all right.