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hi I used the code in this link communicating with nrf24l01 with stm32 and it worked fine but I wanted to rewrite it in register leve...
hi, I bought a new blue pill board and tried to program it. this stm32has 64 kb flash and 20 kb of ram but the flash programming algorithm option in the Keil debugger don't have the 64 kb option for stm32f10x so I tried to change the flash size to 64...
I want to design a GPS car tracker that alarms when the speed reaches a certain value and I want to first test the code with the USB to TTL module which is connected to my stm32, and simulate sim808 answers. when I send the GPS information only the f...
I successfully used a HAL code I found on Github for driving an ili9341 TFT LCD with SPI then I rewrote the code with registers. Part of my code works and I am able to fill pixels with color but when I try to use a function named ILI9341_Draw_Colour_...
Hi, I successfully used a HAL library to drive a TFT ili9341 LCD and tried drawing a line on the LCD by touching the LCD and the code was perfectly accurate then I rewrote the code with registers. the touch is not accurate now and when I touch the LC...