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"flash timeout, reset the target" error with blue pill board

Associate II

hi, I bought a new blue pill board and tried to program it. this stm32has 64 kb flash and 20 kb of ram but the flash programming algorithm option in the Keil debugger don't have the 64 kb option for stm32f10x so I tried to change the flash size to 64Kb but that didn't work and the errors "flash timeout reset the target and tr it again" and "flash download failed cortex m3" showed up. I then tried to uncheck the right protection by stlink utility but that also didn't work. then I saw a section on Keil's site about creating a new flash programming algorithm here: but the FlashPrg.c file is not editable. I worked with several stm32 boards I never had a problem like this. can someone help me with this issue?


There are definitely STM32F103 parts with 64KB of FLASH, and you don't need to be rewriting flash algorithms.

The STM32F103C8T6 should be on the Blue Pill, you should pick this as the Target

So not sure what's failing in your situation. Are you sure this board hasn't got a fake part on it?

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