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STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0 (and 1.8.0) is generating MX_DMA_Init() AFTER MX_DAC_Init() and this causes the functionality (DMA driving data to the DAC to play a wav file) to fail.
I want emails for replies to my posts, but I'm getting a few emails per day on random topics that I am not involved in. For example, I just this: "FLosa.1 asked group STM32 MCUs: How do I send my input data to a neural network on an STM32F4 to make ...
Using a STM32F0 discovery board, I have this function:void BlinkBlue(void) { for (int i=0; i<20; i++) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD4_GPIO_Port, LD4_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); HAL_Delay(50); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD4_GPIO_Port, LD4_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); H...
I'm still very new to STM32 processors, and using CubeMX to generate my basic code structure (for TrueStudio). In the code below, if I uncomment code section A, the yellow LED blinks, but not evenly... At low values such HAL_Delay(100), the high time...
So there's LTDC, STemWin, ili9341 drivers (and others), ChromArt, etc and I'm gathering that there's a lot of overlap on these. Some of the tutorials get into discussion of DSI, DPI, etc displays, which I don't have AFAIK. Is there a good tutorial ...