2020-01-07 8:11 AM
I want emails for replies to my posts, but I'm getting a few emails per day on random topics that I am not involved in. For example, I just this: "FLosa.1 asked group STM32 MCUs: How do I send my input data to a neural network on an STM32F4 to make predictions?" .
How do I turn off those random-topic emails? These are my current settings...
2020-01-07 8:49 AM
It is a bit of a mess, I frankly turn most everything off so I'm not swamped with noise.
Would suggest "Following" specific sub-forums, and unfollowing others. They provide options for mail, or not.
Also check "Comments on an item I like" and like threads you want to specifically follow.
You might not get alerted to posts against a thread which are not in specific response to you. People can use the AT YOU tag in their response but it is usually unnecessary.
Also the "My Pages" view, top center of sub-forum toolbar, will give you a more tailored view. Being logged in, or not, will give you a different view. You may have been logged out before the scripts rendering the page figure it out.
With some 25-30 years of development history on how to do BBS and FORUMs properly, SalesForce, and Microsoft before them, did a very poor job.