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Hi, I'm having the weirdest bug with this code. It's just 2 for loops expecting to count from 0 to 5 and 0 to 8.When compiling with O3, i becomes very high and the execution gets stuck in the loops. Running STM32 Cube IDE 1.9.0STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.27.0...
On a custom board, the RED_LED is connected to PA15, which is pulled-up by default (JTDI).The pin has been set to Push-Pull Output GPIO in CubeMX and is initialized to 0.The STM32WB55CGUx was experiencing random resets, until this particular IO was s...
I would like to log this bug that concerns STM32CubeIDE.The CubeMX handles the scaling well, why not the IDE?
When trying to create a Debugger configuration for a project opened from sources + Makefile, STM32CubeIDE fails to create the configuration and shows the following error messages:" Not able to get board target."" An internal error has occurred. Updat...
The archive downloaded here contains projects for various IDEs, including the STM32CubeIDE.
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