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I'm writing code for STM32F042. If I'm running on the TSSOP20 package, I need to remap PA11 and PA12 to PA9 and PA10. For all other packages, I need to leave them alone.I can have a compile-time switch and generate different binaries for different pa...
I'm trying to set up a counter to capture the period of an input signal. I'm getting lost in the different CCMR bits. If it possible to do the following:wait for a raising edge on an input.on the raising edge, start counteron the next raising edgerec...
Using STM32F030 / F042. I have a GPS receiver onboard which produces a very accurate pulse-per-second signal (~40ns). I want to use this timing source to keep the system clock, or at least the RTC accurate. The user may wander in and out of GPS recep...
I'm developing an application for the F042 series chips. I'm using Nucleo-F042K6 for development.I want to allow users to flush firmware using DFU mode. I am unclear on how to force the device into the DFU bootloader. Some material I read suggests th...
I want to run the NUCLEO-F042K6 on external 3V3 supply. I understand that in this case ST-LINK remains down, and I cannot use its crystal for clocking. I want to use a crystal to clock the MCU.Looking at the schematic[1], I wonder if I can use the sa...