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Hello,Do you have timeline for STM32H7 Dual Core -> Additional Software support available.when it will be available? I am interested in X-Cube-TouchGFX.ThanksTushar
Hello @Martin KJELDSEN​ any updates for V3 template for STM32H743I-EVAL and STM32H747 When I am working from home our manager as asking for more output in the work as opposed to working in office.I tried to create my own template from CubeMX but it i...
Touch GFX 4.13.0STM32CubeMX 5.6.0STM32H7Cube 1.7.0Board: STM32H753I-EVAL2 (Screen size for reference is 640X480)I am developing simple GUI application with 2 screens. each screen has one button with label.Since the V3 template for this board is not a...
Hello @Martin KJELDSEN​ Is it possible to have a list of the available templates for V3.0 Pinned at top of this discussion forum. In that way we can tracked which one are remaining and which ones are done.May be a list with priority would also help.F...
Hello,Are there any plans to support CMSIS_RTOS V2 for SD card with FatFs.I am using CubeMX 5.5 with STM32H7Cube 1.6
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