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 Hello friends, thank you for your help.My main problem is that none of the new projects I open on my newly installed STM32Cube on my computer work, but when I import my old projects, they work.part number: stm32f103c8 Environment: STM32CubeIDE / Ver...
First of all, thank you all in advance, I am trying to control IKCM15L60GA IPM with Stm32f429. I have added the circuit diagram below, my problem is that when I start the 250 W asynchronous motor drive process that I connected to the IPM output, it v...
Can't find a source file at Can't find a source file at "C:\Users\B\335NAL\335\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO\STM32_workspace_9.3\deneme3\src\main.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.The error I got in the compilation proces...