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I am trying to immigrate my project on STM32WB55RGV to STM32WB5MMGH. Now I am using last firmware package V1.13.3 instead of 1.10.0 that used for STM32WB55RGV.I updated FUS (FUS V1.2.0) and BLE_stack_full_fw. I am trying to connect STM32WB55RGV but i...
I have developed firmware on STM32F413 with STM32CubeMX using FreeRTOS. I have several tasks and PPP connection over Serial (PPPoS). I am using KEIL IDE for debug and everything is OK in debug mode and after debug without resetting MCU. But when I po...
Hi,I have a problem on my custom STM32WB board. It was working properly, but suddenly now it's BLE functions not working. The M4 core is OK, but APP_BLE_Init function return error and it fall in Error_Handler. When I checked the source of error, I re...
I have a self-design STM32WB board and properly flash "stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin", "stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin" and "BLE_TransparentMode_reference.hex" STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe. Now I am trying to use STM32CubeMonitor-RF. When I try to connect to it ...
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