2022-06-07 4:11 AM
I am trying to immigrate my project on STM32WB55RGV to STM32WB5MMGH. Now I am using last firmware package V1.13.3 instead of 1.10.0 that used for STM32WB55RGV.
I updated FUS (FUS V1.2.0) and BLE_stack_full_fw.
I am trying to connect STM32WB55RGV but immediately after establishment of connection I am receiving disconnection event (HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVT_CODE).
How I can fix this problem?
Can anyone help?
Update: I ran a firmware in debug mode and saw below line not executed under the case HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVT_CODE
disconnection_complete_event = (hci_disconnection_complete_event_rp0 *) event_pckt->data;
as a result I cannot understand reason of disconnection!
2022-06-08 5:57 AM
If you retry with BLE Full Stack v1.10.0, does your application work ? Are you able to see the debug trace "DISCONNECTION EVENT WITH CLIENT" in your terminal ?
In order to understand the reason of the disconnection, place a breakpoint on the case HCI_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVT_CODE and do step by step debug.
Best Regards