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So, have been using TouchGFX and FreeRTOS with the CubeIDE.  But, am looking into Zephyr because of the middleware (for things like networking including WiFi) it can pull in.  But I'm still going to need a GUI.Is anyone successfully using TouchGFX wi...
This is an outstanding issue that's been there for a while but since it just got me again, I'm finally taking the time to post about it.  When using external buttons and the button controller, the implementation instructions have you edit the ToughGF...
Hey all -I really need one of the ST guys to weigh in on this question... I have been struggling with graphic performance on things that I THOUGHT should be simple and easy for a high power F746 core and TouchGFX, but I'm starting to wonder if my exp...
Hey guys -I've got a development where I'm going to use the simulator and share the build with a team to get thoughts/usability input/etc. So, I'm going to want to simulate input into the GUI. The model is using FreeRTOS queues to do the messaging ...
I remember reading (or hearing) that there was a place to go and get widgets (Git maybe) either to use as is or as a starting point for your own use. However, I can find no reference to anything like that anymore. I found a Git that appeared to be ...
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