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Hi,I have a expecting two inputs from the environment. I also have a script.bat that curls in these two inputs, for the I linked these two scripts via && in the prebuild command step setting in the IDE. In the build steps com...
I am using STM32G4 which allows 28 standard ID filters and 8 extended ID filters. This is from the Classic Frame Networking example:/* Configure Rx filter */ FDCAN_FilterTypeDef sFilterConfig;   sFilterConfig.IdType = FDCAN_STANDARD_ID; sFilter...
Hi there,First of all, thank you for reading this post. I have a system that has an ARM Cortex M4 MCU interfacing with STM32G4 via SPI. In the current design, STM32G4 takes care of motor commutation related tasks. So the question I have is that who s...