I’ve been struggling with setting up RDP Level 1 on my STM32G473CBT6.This project does not use the system bootloader. The BOOT0 pin is held low and it boots from FLASH using our own bootloader.I have code in place to accept a command to program RDP L...
This link only displays a blank page. Other H7 MCU's are displayed.https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32h743-753.htmlNot a question, I know. More of a technical issue with the website. I tried two different browsers.
It is simple enough to recover from the error state. Since I'm only setting RDP Level 1, it is still possible to connect via ST-LINK with the STM32CubeProgrammer. I can reprogram the Option Bytes and re-flash.Just not sure where the processor goes. I...
I'm curious if you found and answer. I have pretty much the same problem. I notice the DMAUDRx bit gets set immediately after I turn on the timer associated with the DAC channel. Which means the data is triggered too fast. For my application it is wa...