2023-04-25 9:26 AM
I'm attempting to set up a CI pipeline to build firmware built in STM32CubeIDE, but I've not been able to get STM32CubeIDE installed via Dockerfile without manual intervention. Is there a silent install or a way to pre-accept the license agreements so that I can install the STM32 toolchain without having to hand-build my Docker images?
The container base is Ubuntu 22.04. I've tried piping `yes` to to the installer, as well as `expect` and `printf`, but the license script fails when run any way other than the default. Similarly, I've tried extracting the .debs from the script and installing via `apt` with the same results. I'm not trying to circumvent the license, I just want a way to set up the tools in a Docker container without manual intervention.
2023-04-27 11:30 AM
Based on looking through https://github.com/xanderhendriks/docker-stm32cubeide/blob/master/Dockerfile, it appears that adding `ENV LICENSE_ALREADY_ACCEPTED=1` to the dockerfile is enough to enable silent installation.