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I am trying to use the STM32CubeProgrammer API to program and read a that we can use it in our programming solution. (We write a CRC of the application so that a bootloader can validate it. )The problem is that the readout of memory does...
There seems to be a problem when trying to program an external flash chip via TrueStudio.I have created an external loader to program a QSPI chip that is connected to an STM32F469II.My loader is working via the "STM32 ST-LINK Utility", "STM32CubeProg...
Posted on April 12, 2018 at 12:30 Is there a error in theSTM32_TouchSensing_LibraryV2.1.1 with the maximum channel count for theSTM32L152ZE controller. According to theUM1913 usermanual the STM32L1xx supports up to 34 channels. STM32L1 seri...