2019-11-07 7:26 AM
i have a problem with Readout Protection in the STM32F4 MCUs. If i set in the readout protection level 1 in the software, than works mcu to some times, but after some power reset it stops. It runs no longer. What i could do is that i set the option byte with ST Link Utility to Level 0, it erase flash, than i could reprograming the MCU. I have this experience with more STM32F4 mcus, like STM32F429VI, STM32F429ZI, STM32F401RC.
I read that others had the same problem, too, but i didn't find the solution.
I read that, the USBV can this problem occurs, but if i don't use it, the problem happend.
Do you have any idee, what cause this problem?