User Activity

Hello,I am trying to get familiar with vitualUart between A7 et M4 side.The example OpenAMP_tty_Echo given in the wiki works well with my setup.Next step i would like to replace the "echo "msg" > /dev/ttyRPMG0" terminal commands" by a C linux user sp...
Hello,I try to build the kernel for the first time on my Ubuntu 18.04 new install.Following the step by step Wiki build kernel.make ARCH=arm uImage vmlinux dtbs LOADADDR=0xC2000040The compilation runs fine for many files until this step.Thank you by ...
Hello,I tried to apply the step by step "Modify, rebuild and reload the Linux® kernel" form .,_rebuild_and_reload_the...
Hello,I am completely newby on embedded linux stuffs.Can any one tell me how to drive any available LED on the STM32MP157C-Dk2 board by using the linux shell commands.Unfortunatelly i did not find the information on the wiki stm32mcu.Thank you by adv...