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Hi, forgive the newby question, but I'm a newby to STM and micros in general. I'm a hardware engineer and have not really ventured too far into the code world until now.I need to monitor 4 GPIOs. They could be any of 3 states: PWM (~50% duty, 1 secon...
I have a design with STM32L476 microprocessor that I am having EMC issues with. The processor is locking up at 100MHz to 240MHz radiated immunity EMC, 10V/m, and not recovering. Product Architecture is that there is an external 24V supplying power to...
Posted on September 07, 2017 at 17:37Hi, I'm trying to design a PCB with the M95640-DRMF3TG (AKA M95128-A125) Serial EEPROM, and cannot find a land pattern for the part.  The best thing I can find is TN1171 (Technical Note), but it does not give any...
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