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Hello ST,I am using STM32WB Necleo Board to test USB as VCP. my reference project is BLE_MeshLightingLPN (USB Dongle) project and same way i am implementing all libraries and modification in BLE_MeshProvsion... CFG_USB_INTERFACE_ENABLE 1A new VCP por...
In my project i am using LSM6SOX sensor to generate the interrupt for every 10 degree incrementation on X axis. I found this link... ...
Hello ST,@EMECH​ ​I am using BLE_MeshLightingProvisiner sample project. We try to trace the RSSI value from the below mentioned function:: BLEMesh_NeighborRefreshedCallback(const MOBLEUINT8* bdAddr,                     MOBLEBOOL provisioned,         ...
Hello ST,I found below mention function in appli_config.c file but it never get any call.void Appli_GetAppKeyUpdateParamsCb(model_securityKeyParams_t* appKeyUpdatedParams) {Callback from Config Model to receive the Updated App Key}Could you please he...
Hello ST,Below function need for Unprovising from network ::void Appli_Unprovision(void){ if(!ProxyFlag) {  /* No GATT connection */  BLEMesh_StopAdvScan();      PalNvmErase(NVM_BASE, 0);      PalNvmErase(NVM_BASE, 0x1000);  PalNvmErase(APP_NVM_BASE,...
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