2022-02-01 04:59 AM
if you configure one CDTM.DTM right after one TOM and use it to generate TOM_OUT and TOM_OUT_N, what is the smallest dtz interval you have been able to achieve?
if I set the DTM to be clocked with SYS_CLK (100MHz), still the dtz gap can't go anything smaller than a 5usec resolution (i.e. 0, 5usec, 10, ..).
Are we sure about that (DTM clocked @100MHz)?
By using another TOM channel and comparing edges (knowing how the DTM_OUT is generated from the original TOM edges), it looks as if the DTM is clocked at 200KHz only (but I may well be wrong on this)
This is both odd and funny at the same time since the SPC5Studio GTM wizard configuration page computes and shows correct intervals out of DTM channel RELRISE and RELFALL register values the user fills in.
Using an oscilloscope on TOM_OUT and TOM_OUT_N signals, I have concrete evidence of the phenomenon (5 usec min granularity)...
Anyone faced this already?
Thanks in advance
2022-04-11 01:56 AM
The issue was resolved in a separate thread, the oscilloscope settings were incorrect.