I am using CubeMx and CubeIde to configure and test software.I am using 2 Nucleo-F446RE boards back to back. I am attempting to use HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA for transactions. I use CubeMX to set up both boards and take the defaults. One is s...
I have probably missed something simple. I use CubeMx to Configure the A2D channels hadc.Instance = ADC1;
hadc.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV1;
hadc.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12B;
hadc.Init.DataAlign = ADC_DATAALIGN_RIGHT;
I just received (about 4 hours ago) 2 Nucleo-F042K6 boards. I tried to a LED blinker program but both units hang in the Clock Configuration routine. Strange that both units exhibit the same behavior. I'm wondering if I missed something. I used C...
The Slave Code
while (1)
//Slave Section
// Check If Data is about to be received
Spi3_CE_State = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SPI3_CE_GPIO_Port, SPI3_CE_Pin);
Spi3_CS_State = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(SPI3_CS_GPIO_Port, SPI3_CS_Pin)...
Issue #1: I am using the latest Versions of CubeMX and CubeIce running Windows 10. I have been using the these for several months. In the Past I could double-click the .project file for a project and cubeide would launch and load the project. Now,...
I got the functionality I wanted using Interrupts. ADC Data: : 1: 2298: 2: 3339: 3: 1670: 4: 1452: 5: 0The first two values are tied to pots and change as I set the pot. The next two change with sample but by one or two bit. Not unexpecte...
The CUBEMX default configuration for the Nucleo-F042K sets the HSE as BYPASS clock source but the board does not come with a crystal. Disabling the HSE did the trick. I now have a blinky. Thanks.
I really appreciate the response from everyone. This has been a real hair-puller for me. I just needed to get something to work before moving to the next step.Anyway. I replaced the Nucleo-F446R board with a Nucelo-G031K which i set up in the sam...
Still using the same boards and setup.Some Progress but not a lot.I noticed that the changing HAL_delays caused shifts in the received data. After modifying delays I had things working for a short time: Then I changed settings to increase speed of ...
Greatly appreciate the advice. Thank you!!I am using a logic analyzer to look at the signals (see screenshot) but I'll try looking at MISO on a scope.I am using the default setup for the Nucleo boards and only setting up the SPI channels on both.I ...