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Hello,We are designing a system based on a STM32H745ZI. Functionality includes TCP communication.Just for start, I've implemented LWIP based design on the Nucleo144-745ZI board.It's based on example from
I need to control 16 RGB addressable LEDs (48 channels). The only drivers which fit my needs are 24 channel I2C drivers (unfortunately, I couldn't find any suiting SPI drivers ), so I need to use two of them. Since both LED banks will create a common...
In my STM32L432 project (Keil) I need to use a system reset.System should be able to reset by external command, and it's also used in bootloader<->application jumps. I am using HAL_NVIC_SystemReset() for this purpose. I've noticed that once in a whil...
I am working on a project with STM32L432 and trying to get a clean (without necessity to de-init peripherals and disable peripheral interrupts) jump to application from a bootloader and back.The widely described method to do so is as follows (for a b...
I have a question on initialization in a custom booloader and application code.Usually initialization of a bootloader is as follows:startup_x.s calls SystemInit(), where SCB->VTOR is set to 0x08008000 Clocks are configured by calling SystemClock_Conf...