User Activity

I'm sure this is not the right place to ask for this, so apologies for that, but I have suggested this easy change every time the automated survey form comes up (I'm beginning to suspect nobody actually reads them....) Can we have an option that allo...
I'm waiting for a STM32L4 LQFP48 micro that also includes a DFSDM to become available, it's not urgent and I've got plenty of other things to do. But I have noticed there are a lot of QFN48 parts available. Maybe ST could make an adapter as described...
Just in case others have missed this feature (like I did). You can generate DMA at 32768Hz and even 65536Hz rates with the LSE if you use the "TIM15 input capture 1 is connected to LSE" option and set the timer to "input capture" mode and capture one...
If I'm interested in the availability of STM32L4 chips that come in a LQFP64 package and also has a DFSDM interface, I use the "View all STM32L4 series products" and select the appropriate filters. I then get a list of 17 different micro variations. ...
Yes, I have tried contacting the local ST sales reps here in Australia - no response.Sorry, I've resisted asking this question for a fair while because I know many have greater need. But I thought I would ask this question just in case there is a sec...