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Hi, We have a product that is using STM32F429BIT6 processor. We've been using "CubeMX 6.2.0" and "STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.1". And everything has been working fine so far. Recently, we've attempted to upgrade to CubeMX 6.11.0 and the latest FW 1.28.0 an...
I am using STM32WB Discovery kit for STM32WBB5MM MCUs for development. I've setup the board as a RFD, Centralized End Device. How do I disable Zigbee security level if I don't need it? Currently, I have to set it manually in APP_ZIGBEE_NwkForm() by  ...
I am using STM32WB Discovery kit for STM32WBB5MM MCUs for development. I've setup the board as a RFD, Centralized End Device. I can do MAC association with a Zigbee server just fine. However, it would stop sending data requests after 8 requests as sh...