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I'm working on a solution using STM32H753 MCU. HRTIM1 TIMA needs to generate short periodic 100 ns pulses periodically and drive MDMA channels. This already works fine.In addition to above, I need to drive GPIO F8 low for a short 500 ns time window t...
Hi,I'm looking into introducing STM32 Secure Boot and Secure Firmware Update based on X-CUBE-SBSFU library on my project with app based on CubeMX v6.11.1 (BSP1.28.0).I noted in CubeMX the MPU option is still not available for FreeRTOS - which is used...
Hi, I'm looking into introducing HMAC SHA-256 on my STM32F429 based project as part of a requirements change. As a first go/no go, I'll need to know what is the worst case required MIPS figure and memory foot print (SRAM/FLASH) for running the algori...
But there's an example project behind the scenes showing how to enable MPU (STM32CubeF4\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\FreeRTOS\FreeRTOS_MPU).I would really like to use STM32CubeMx to configure the project - but it looks to me like its not poss...