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Hello,I have a board with a STM32U575RGTX CPU, and i use SPI1 with a 2.8" TFT ILI9341 Display.I got problems with the GPDMA1 configuration, and need help.main.c:  int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configur...
Hello,I have a STM32U575 and a 2.3" TFT with ILI9341, i use TouchGFX, thats works fine, after my GPDMA1 is correctly configured. (I Hope my GPMDA1 is correctly configured, and it's not a problem with the Transmitting DMA)Now i have 3 Screens, (Red, G...
Hello Everyone, I have a STM32U575 CPU, with a ILI9341 LCD Display, this works fine with a STM32F4, but i am upgraded my PCB to a STM32U575 and got Problems with the main.c code: int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE EN...
Hey Guys,I have problems about configure my STM32H743VIT SysClock.On my own PCB, i have a Crystal with 8 MHZ, and a LSE of 32.768 khz.Settings are in my Screenshots, now if i debug my application, it ends in a Error Handler.. but why?BTW: UART4,5,7 a...
Hello!I have a new project with a STM32F407VET6 and a STM32F103xxx over a RJ45 Jack with I2C.i worked a lot of time with I2C EEPROMs and it works fine, but my communication between the 2 STM's are horrible, or i am too confused.i found the tutorial o...
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