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I've been fighting with this too long and can't figure it out. I've added uart communication for use with printf() by implementing the following in syscalls.c:__attribute__((weak)) int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len) { HAL_StatusTypeDef statu...
I'm trying to get the ADC to work with DMA Continuous Requests, and am not having any luck. I've actually seen it work once, totally randomly, but on subsequent runs all I get is a white screen on startup. I see the ADC is indeed still calling HAL_AD...
If you guys are working on a new version update anytime soon, here are some things I'd like to see.Add standard shortcut keys to the top menu (Alf-F, Alt-E, Alt-H)When creating a new application, use a standard File dialog for the Application Directo...
Renaming a screen results in a compilation error.To reproduce:Create a new projectRename Screen1 to MainScreenRun SimulatorConverting images Compiling gui/src/screen1_screen/Screen1View.cpp Compiling generated/images/src/slider_vertical_***.cpp Compi...
I'm just getting back into this after taking a 2 year break. I vaguely remember you could scaffold new projects from the command line rather than using the Designer application. I couldn't find any docs on this, is it still possible to do or am I com...