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My update wishlist

Michael B
Associate III

If you guys are working on a new version update anytime soon, here are some things I'd like to see.

  1. Add standard shortcut keys to the top menu (Alf-F, Alt-E, Alt-H)
  2. When creating a new application, use a standard File dialog for the Application Directory so you can paste/edit a path. And it should remember the last path!
  3. Shortcut keys for Run Simulator, Run Target, Generate code (F5, F6, F8)?
  4. Add an orientation setting at the application node (and most of the json project settings)
  5. Move the build output window into a docked view, instead of a popup.
  6. When opening a project from the recent list, use a loading progress rather than hardlocking the UI on the main thread for 30 seconds.
  7. Help => Link to help documents / knowledge base for Designer
  8. Help => Check for Updates


Open source the Designer to Github and let the community work on it.


Hi @Community member​,

Thanks for the suggestions! - I'll pass them along to the Designer team.

Some of these features you are requesting are already underway!
