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Struggling with a rather weird problem. I am using the STM32F072 in an application that needs both USB CDC and CAN.Currently the peripherals are working as expected. However, if the USB is connected after the CANBUS, USB wont initialize. If I connect...
We am using the Murata 1SJ which has a STM32L072CZ MCU and internal LSE, We trying to decode a UART stream from a Ublox GPS device using the LPUART in STOP mode. BAUD 9600 8 bits, 1 stop, no parity, all standard stuff.When i clock the LPUART with HSI...
I am working with the STM32F072CB device on a custom PCB. Working from this STM32 example.I just want to implement a basic loopback test. However i don't seem to receive any data.HAL_CAN_Init() is called succesfulHAL_CAN_Start() is called succesfulHA...
Having trouble setting my RTC with a fixed hour of 20. See image from debugger session.While attempting to set a fixed value of Decimal 20 to the RTC the register responds with 28.Edit: STM32L031G6U6
What is the max frequency when driving the LPTIM from an external clock?I would like to drive the LPTIM1 from a STM32L433 to control a Boost switch regulator. Since we can clock LPTIM1 from 80MHz PLL internal. Is this limit safe for external as well?...
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