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Hi,I have recently encountered an issue opening my existing STM32CubeIDE projects on linux.  The IDE complains that there is no .project file, even when it is actually present. Here's screenshot with terminal showing the content of the .project file:...
I am using STM32F030F4P6. VREFINT is supposed to be calibrated at 3.3v +/- 10mV and 30 degrees C. In my application the VREFINT calibration value is 1543 meaning the reference voltage is 1.243V (3.3/4096*1543) this is on the high end of the spectru...
Posted on January 09, 2018 at 08:34Hi, I have a project with ADC clocked from timer3 using TRG0 on updateDMA connected to ADC with interrupt every 200 samples (ping pong style with 400 sample buffer).Timer15 set to clock from timer3 TRG0The beginni...
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