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Hi all,I have a project running on an STM32F427VI that makes some specific use of the dual-bank flash, both for storing certain configuration parameters and for a custom bootloader. It's great, but I don't get anywhere near using the full 2MB of flas...
I recently upgraded to STM32CubeMX 6.3.0 (from 6.0.1) so that I can make a change to an existing .ioc file. This is on Windows 10.When I opened the .ioc file, everything seemed fine (after migrating) but the clock configuration tab claims that the c...
I've got a project that uses TIM1 in OC mode to toggle some pins. It's been working fine for months but I made some changes that sent me back to Cube to make changes. While there, it wanted me to migrate the project:Cube version 5.6.1 -> 6.0.1STM32...
I am porting code from an existing project that runs on an STM32F4 chip onto an STM32H7 chip, and have been losing my sanity for a couple of days trying to get over hurdle #1: I use a UART for communicating with the chip, and have not been able to ge...
Posted on June 08, 2017 at 17:31 Edit: OK so just for the record, I guess, I replaced HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_DMA() with HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(), which seems to be the appropriate command for what I'm doing, and that is working fine. One questi...
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